Farmbeast Harvester Turret

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Item icon fu autobeamer3farmbeasts.png Item image fu autobeamer3farmbeasts.png
Farmbeast Harvester Turret
A specialized turret designed to harvest farmbeasts.
Category wire
Rarity legendary
Price 150
Colony tags wired
ID fu_autobeamer3farmbeasts

Farmbeast Harvester Turret will target any Farm Beasts within 12 blocks with a non-harmful projectile. When hit, these animals will yield their normal harvest items (e.g. Milk for Mooshi or Cotton Fibre for Fluffalo). Results are exactly the same as when player harvests from these animals manually (by interacting with them).

Obtained items will remain on the ground. You can use a Grabber if you want to automatically store them in a container.

How to obtain

Foraging Table

See also