Energy Pickaxe

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Item icon energypickaxe.png
Energy Pickaxe
A mining tool unlike anything you've seen in other media.
Category tool
Tier 1
Rarity Legendary
Price 5000
Stack size 1
Two-handed? Yes
Tags miningtool pickaxe
ID energypickaxe

Energy Pickaxe is a non-craftable Pickaxe. It deals 8 tile damage (per hit) to 4x4 area. It has infinite durability, but uses 5 energy per hit. See the page Pickaxe for "how it works" information.

Despite its impressive stats, this pickaxe is almost never useful by the time you find it (tier 5+ worlds only), because it gets outclassed by craftable Morphite Manipulator (which deals 12 tile damage).

How to obtain


Treasure pool