Docking Field

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Item icon dockingfield.png Item image dockingfield.png
Docking Field
This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.
Category wire
Light 0.28
Rarity Common
Price 0
Colony tags station
ID dockingfield

Docking Field is a barrier that prevents NPCs and monsters from passing through. Player can walk through it normally.

This is helpful for preventing the crew from jumping out of an airlock.

Docking Field has a wiring Output that sends ON signal if someone touches the barrier.

About tooltip

Despite what the tooltip claims, Docking Field is not considered a solid wall (for the purposes of "is the room enclosed?" checks), which matters if you are using "Atmospheric Mode" (which you can enable/disable in SAIL). If this mode is enabled, then oxygen/gravity are only added in rooms that are fully enclosed. If Atmospheric Mode is disabled, you always have oxygen/gravity if you are in front of background blocks, and the room won't be checked at all.

How to obtain

Ship Component Assembler