Corrupt Fly

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Corrupt Fly.gif
Corrupt Fly
Dreams to rule the world someday.
Capturable? Yes
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 20 Radioactive -20 Poison 50 Electric 90 Fire 20 Ice 60 Cosmic -20 Shadow -20
ID fucorruptfly

The Corrupt Fly is a small black fly with glowing iridescent purple eyes. This small creature poses little threat alone, but often flies in swarms. Surprisingly intelligent, this seemingly simple fly schemes deviously and views the world around it as it's platter on which to feed and grow.

However, at this stage in it's development, the Corrupt Fly is fragile and easy to destroy.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Rather small, this creature can prove difficult to hit with ranged weapons.

~ This creature has a unique flight patter in which it will swoop slightly down toward a player, enough to strike the head, then fling themselves up at a rapid speed. Perhaps this is a tactic of retreating, regardless, it is an attack pattern that is uncommon.

~ The Corrupt Fly seems capable of aggroing to targets through walls and solid barriers it shouldn't be able to see through.


Corrupt Fly Luna's Lab.png