Beam Pistol

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Beam Pistol is a one handed procedurally generated ranged weapon model.
It can be common, uncommon, and rare. Common Beam Pistols will shoot bullets, while uncommon and rare ones will shoot elemental plasma shots.

Base Statistics

  • Base DPS: 6.0-6.5 health/s (Common), 6.5-7.0 health/s (Uncommon/Rare)
  • Fire Time: 0.02-0.1 seconds between singly-fired shots (10-50 shots/s)
  • Energy Usage: 18.0-19.5 energy/s (Common), 19.5-21.0 energy/s (Rare)
  • Bullets per Burst: 10-20
  • Burst Spacing: 0.0025-0.005 seconds between consecutive bullets in a burst
  • Knockback: 0.1-0.2 (infinitesimal knockback)
  • Crit Chance: 2% (Common), 3% (Uncommon), 4% (Rare)
  • Base Crit Damage Bonus: +2 damage (Common), +3 damage (Uncommon), +4 damage (Rare)

Elemental Damage

Uncommon and rare Beam Pistols are assigned one of seven elements (non-physical damage types) on generation. Though both uncommon and rare Beam Pistols exhibit elemental visuals, only rare Beam Pistols inflict status effects.

Special Attacks

Beam Pistols, like most one-handed weapon types, cannot generate with any special attacks.

Name Pool

Craftable Variants

Currently, Beam Pistols are only procedurally generated, meaning they can only be encountered through chests.


itemName: swtjc_ewg_commonbeampistol, swtjc_ewg_uncommonbeampistol, swtjc_ewg_rarebeampistol