Atropal Eye

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Output hVQ9v6.gif
Atropal Eye
Spawned from some other creature.
Capturable? No
Touch damage
Resistances Physical 0 Radioactive 0 Poison 0 Electric 0 Fire 0 Ice 0 Cosmic 0 Shadow 0
ID atropuseye

The Atropal Eye the result of a twisted phenomenon - a mystery left unexplored, and unpursued by all scientists and researchers with any remaining shred of sanity. Even those who delve into the twisted aberrations and horrors of the living Atropus planets, do not dare look too far into it's depths as all of them have reported that they can "feel" the depths of these twisting mutations looking back... Those that have gone off into the deep end find themselves pulled into the planets waters and are never heard from again. It is believed that a scientist driven to the depths of madness will be consumed by the writing flesh lurking within the seas deepest, unseen bottoms. Once consumed, the intelligence of the creature is added to the mass of flesh - so to is a new set of eyes. These eyes can be torn free from it's Deep Seer host, and pursue or scout an area as fleshy strands of the larger being. An Elder Deep Seer can spawn countless of these Atropal Eyes to do it's bidding, each a tortured soul fully under control of the host. Each set of eyes looks to other creatures the Deep Seer encounters with a single plea flickering dimly within the depths of their unblinking irises.

These fleshy underlings are used to scout the depths of the monsters domain, searching for prey - and wearing them down before the Deep Seer approaches to finish them off. Each attack from both master and eye slaves, inflict insanity and shadow damage. Given that many types of armor are not resistant to this damage type, the Atropal Eyes can deal significant damage to the unprepared.

Aside from spawning directly, Atropal Eye can also be summoned by the Deep Seer miniboss.

Luna's Lab Notes

~ Immune to Liquid Nitrogen, and possessing a slight health regen - this creature can be difficult to kill - given it's massive health pool. While underwater, the creature also gains a resistance to fire damage - which is the most likely place to encounter such a creature.

~ The boss health bar will appear when the creature grows near, and interestingly enough - will also appear when one of it's spawned minions approaches.

~ This creature, with it's horrifying visage and many eyes is best encountered and fought when listening to the following song - Stemage: Metroid Metal - Tourian Brain

~ Side note - How horrifying! This creature is delightfully frightening and a wonderful addition to the FU mod. Bringing even more terrifying flavor into the already crazed atropus environments and lore. Thank you to whomever added this creature!

Atropal Eye Luna's Lab.png


How to obtain


Biome monsters

Any 6 of the following:

  • Nameless monster: fish 72.62% (peaceful)
  • Nameless monster: fish 72.62% (peaceful)
  • Nameless monster: largefish 72.62% (peaceful)
  • Nameless monster: largefish 72.62%
  • Critter: squidcritter 72.62%
  • Critter: jellycritter 72.62%
  • Deep Seer 11.81%
  • Atropal Eye 27.06%

Used for


Monster drops