Annihilator Cannon

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Item icon mecharmmegacannon.png Annihilator Cannon.png
Annihilator Cannon
Designed with absolute destruction in mind.
Category mechPart
Rarity legendary
Price 144800
Stack size 1
ID mecharmmegacannon

Poison (Attack).pngCosmic (Attack).pngWARNING: This weapon uses poison/cosmic damage, which a few space enemies are completely immune to.

The Annihilator Cannon is the most oversized, heaviest, and expensive (only mech arm to require an Anti-Neutronium Rod) mech weapon in FU. It fires a very powerful laser.

When the player holds down their mouse, the cannon will charge for two seconds. It then fires a laser (that appears as two laser blasts, but is actually one beam) that deals around 900 damage, and can pierce enemies.

It also appears to deal 20 additional damage in most cases, and deals a very high amount of knockback.

The laser will tear through tiles (though it doesnt bore a hole wide enough to make mining viable with them), and once it does, it loses it's 900 damage, and deals either 20 or no damage. Regardless if it damages an enemy behind tiles or not, they will still be knocked back.

Be warned: since the cannon rips through tiles, it will mine asteroids during space combat. If your computer has trouble handling a medium amount of items laying around, you might want to watch performance when using this weapon.

How to obtain


Mech Part Crafting Table


Monster drops