Fd:Multi-Grenade Launcher

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Multi-Grenade Launcher is a two-handed procedurally generated ranged weapon model.

It can be common, uncommon, and rare. Common Multi-Grenade Launchers will shoot explosive grenades, while uncommon and rare ones will shoot elemental grenades.

Base Statistics

  • Base DPS: 11.0-12.0 health/s (Common), 11.5-12.5 health/s (Uncommon/Rare)
  • Fire Time: 0.3-1.0 seconds between shots (1-3.3 shots/s)
  • Energy Usage: 37.5-42.0 energy/s (Common), 40.25-43.75 energy/s (Uncommon/Rare)
  • Grenade Types: Impact, Bouncy, Sticky, Proximity Mine
  • Knockback: 20 (average knockback)
  • Crit Chance: 2%
  • Base Crit Damage Bonus: +5 damage (Common), +6 damage (Uncommon), +7 damage (Rare)

Elemental Damage

Uncommon and rare Multi-Grenade Launchers are assigned one of seven elements (non-physical damage types) on generation. Both uncommon and rare variants will inflict status effects with special attacks. For vanilla elements (Fire, Ice, Poison and Electric), only rare Multi-Grenade Launchers will inflict the appropriate elemental status effect with the primary attack. For elements added by Frackin' Universe (Radiation, Shadow and Cosmic), both uncommon and rare Multi-Grenade Launchers will inflict the appropriate elemental status effect with the primary attack.

  • Fire: Inflicts Burning
  • Ice: Inflicts Frost
  • Poison: Inflicts Poisoned
  • Electric: Inflicts Electrified
  • Radiation: Inflicts Radiation Burn
  • Shadow: Inflicts Shadow Gas
  • Cosmic: Inflicts -Armor debuff

Special Attacks

Multi-Grenade Launchers, like most two-handed weapon types, can generate with one of a variety of special attacks.

Vanilla Special Attacks

Special Attack Code Name Common? Uncommon? Rare?
Burst Shot burstshot Y N N
Enemy Bomb deathbomb N Y Y
Explosive Burst explosiveburst Y Y Y
Flashlight flashlight Y N N
Energy Lance lance N Y Y
Shrapnel Bomb shrapnelbomb Y Y Y

Frackin' Universe Special Attacks

Special Attack swtjc_ewg_[name] Common? Uncommon? Rare?
Cluster Bomb clusterbomb Y Y Y
Railgun railgun Y Y Y
Plasma Cell Spray cellspray Y Y Y
Plasma Cell Spread cellspread Y Y Y
Dark Plasma darkplasma Y Y Y
Force Shield forceshield Y Y Y
Globe Launcher globelauncher Y Y Y
Phase Burst phaseburst Y Y Y
Rocket Jump rocketjump Y Y Y
Shatter Shot shattershot Y Y Y
Bouncing Spray bouncingspray N Y Y
Bouncing Spread bouncingspread N Y Y
Bouncing Piercing Shot bouncingpiercingshot N Y Y
Explosive Bouncing Shot explosivebouncingshot N Y Y
Explosive Spray explosivespray N Y Y
Explosive Spread explosivespread N Y Y
Piercing Spray piercingspray N Y Y
Piercing Spread piercingspread N Y Y
Sticky Spray stickyspray N Y Y
Sticky Spread stickyspread N Y Y
Bouncing Orbitals bouncingorbitals N Y Y
Elemental Spray elementalspray N Y Y
Explosive Bubbles explosivebubbles N Y Y
Bouncing Piercing Spray bouncingpiercingspray N N Y
Bouncing Piercing Spread bouncingpiercingspread N N Y
Explosive Bouncing Spray explosivebouncingspray N N Y
Explosive Bouncing Spread explosivebouncingspread N N Y

Category:Weapon Category:Grenade Launcher