Acceptable Mech Fuel

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Fuel Fuel type Efficiency
Oil Oil 0.5
Liquid Erchius Fuel Erchius 0.6
Crystal Erchius Fuel Erchius 0.7
Unrefined Fuel Unrefined 1
Plutonium Rod Isotope 1.14
Uranium Rod Isotope 1.2
Neptunium Rod Isotope 1.24
Thorium Rod Isotope 1.35
Liquid Irradium Isotope 1.5
Enriched Uranium Rod Isotope 2
Refined Fuel Mech fuel 2
Enriched Plutonium Rod Isotope 2.5
Biofuel Canister Bio 3
Quantum Fluid Quantum 3.5
Erithian Biofuel Canister Bio 5
Protocite Fuel Canister Bio 9
Essentia Obscura Quantum 25
Orphan Paste Bio 25
Ultronium Rod Isotope 25
Dimensional Cell Quantum 250
Power Core Core 500
Molten Core Core 600
Particle Core Core 700
Nuclear Core Core 800
Flux Core Core 900
Elder Core Core 1000
D-Hydrogen Phase Core Core 1500
Purrpetual Energy Quantum 3000

See also