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Hammer is a two-handed procedurally generated melee weapon model. It can be common, uncommon, and rare.

Note: though Hammers are part of vanilla Starbound, their characteristics are modified by Frackin' Universe. For the unmodified characteristics, consult the official Starbound wiki, Starbounder (http://starbounder.org/).

Base Statistics

  • Base DPS: 12.0-13.0 health/s (Common), 12.5-13.5 health/s (Uncommon/Rare)
  • Fire Time: 1.0-1.2 seconds between 1x-damage attacks (~0.8-1.0 1x-damage attacks/s)
  • Knockback: 40 (Common), 40-50 (Uncommon/Rare) (very strong to extremely strong knockback)
  • Crit Chance: 3%
  • Base Crit Damage Bonus: +5 damage (Common/Uncommon), +7 damage (Rare)

Elemental Damage

Uncommon and rare Hammers are assigned one of seven elements (non-physical damage types) on generation. Both uncommon and rare variants will inflict status effects with special attacks. For all elements, only rare Hammers will inflict the appropriate elemental status effect with the primary attack.

  • Fire: Inflicts Burning
  • Ice: Inflicts Frost
  • Poison: Inflicts Poisoned
  • Electric: Inflicts Electrified
  • Radiation: Inflicts Radiation Burn
  • Shadow: Inflicts Shadow Gas
  • Cosmic: Inflicts -Armor debuff

Special Attacks

Hammers, like most two-handed weapon types, can generate with one of a variety of special attacks.

Vanilla Special Attacks

Special Attack Code Name Common? Uncommon? Rare?
Uppercut uppercut Y N N
Shockwave physicalshockwave Y N N
Ground Slam groundslam Y N N
Blink Explosion blinkexplosion N Y Y
Energy Aura elementalaura N Y Y
Energy Pillar elementalpillar N Y Y
Energy Wave shockwave N Y Y

Category:Weapon Category:Hammer Category:Melee